It’s almost November and you know what that means – NaNoWriMo is here!!
For the uninitiated, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month ( – visit them!). No Plot, No Problem – just write 50,000 words in 30 days. Easy, right? Ha, I laugh! This is one of the most creatively insane things that can be done. 1667 words a day? Every Day? For a whole month?!
I’ve done this before – twice in fact, always a winner! – and every time it has jump-started me. What I usually write is fantasy insanity. The first time the plot had holes big enough to drive a semi through and the tone could never make up its mind (am I a family drama? a mystery? an absurd fantasy) but there was a crime ring set at a circus. The second time I created an awesome fantasy trilogy that will one day be published but currently, yeah, has plot holes big enough to drive a minivan through.
This time I’m planning on being a lot more focused – no fantastical elements, no supernatural powers – just a hopefully arresting story that I can look back on and be proud of. This time I want the emotion to come through, loud and clear – this Published Author’s no longer joking around.
I’ll be proud when I make it to the end cause I’ll have written thousands of words in a month. People brag about running 5Ks – this 50K sprint is much harder to achieve. And much more up my alley – I don’t much like running.
So wish me luck! It’ll be a crazy journey but you know what they say, it’s all about the journey baby, not the destination. T-minus 27 hours and counting . . .