This is my first blog post. That is probably not a big revelation. It’s quite clear from all the blank space that there’s nowhere to go but up.
I have been staring at this blank space a lot lately. What do I want to say? First impressions are important, right? That’s what people tell me as I set up dating profiles and have meetings at work – best foot forward and all that. So what do I say here that will do everything I want it to do – inspire, entertain, inform, engage? (This is about the time when I decide this is too daunting and go have a snack.)
But in the grand scheme of things, this first step isn’t really as important as we make it out to be. I can’t remember my first day of work, only the first moment I felt like I was doing a good job. Not the first meal I ever ate, only the first time it was exceptional. Can’t remember the first words I ever wrote, only the first ones I wrote that were exquisite.
So firsts are important, but only as you’re approaching them. When they’re behind you in the rearview mirror, they aren’t nearly as nerve-wracking. Because first steps done right aren’t the only steps, just the beginning of a bigger journey. If I reach all the goals I set out for myself, my first blog post will be a tiny drop of water in a sea of swirling words – something you won’t have any need or want to untangle from the beautiful mess it’s making. As long as I keep writing.
So, who am I? I’m Valerie – the girl that writes romantic comedies because life should always have laughter. That used to have a blog called Pancakes and Prose but then pancakes broke up with her and prose got a little lost along the way. That has really crazy dreams if she doesn’t have a creative outlet. That loves to write because it gives her control over her reality. And that one day hopes to inspire . . . everyone.