I remember exactly where I was a year ago. Feeling a little sad, staying late at work just in case someone needed something. What could make me feel better, I thought. Well, why don’t I publish a book?
Royally Screwed had been sitting on my computer, finished, for at least 3 months. I just hadn’t had the nerve to put it out there. All it needed was twenty minutes of formatting and it could be out there for the world to see. What else did I have to do.
And now, one year later, I’ve sold over 4000 copies. Over 30 reviews on Amazon and Goodreads. Readers saying they liked the sarcasm and witty banter and strong characters.
Praise and pride turned into productivity. I’ve finished another book (Pucker Up – hopefully released sometime this month) and felt inspired to pick up a few other unfinished manuscripts littering my hard drive. I’ve felt inspired again – about my ability, my ideas, my words. I’ve felt support from people I know and people I’ve never even met. And accomplished so much more than I ever even thought possible.
I like to joke that my dream job is sitting in pajamas all day writing books. Maybe its not so funny anymore. Maybe it’s something that I can actually reach one day. Watching my royalties slowly add up makes me think it could be possible and long as I keep taking risks and writing words and soldiering on.
One year later I sit here editing Pucker Up, working on the cover design, and realizing that dreams really can come true.