Monthly Archives: December 2015

Spaghetti Marketing

I have always been of the “throw it at the wall and see what sticks” approach to marketing.  Mostly because a lot of the options open to me as an indie author don’t come with data attached.  I can’t figure out who bought my last book and what attracted them to it because all Amazon shows me is numbers in a chart and lines on a graph.  I don’t know if a blog post or ad or bookmark I passed out influenced the buying decisions because I can’t ask “how did you hear about us?” as they checkout like I do at my day job.  I cannot analyze the data – so I work blindly and disregard it.  This is probably not the best strategy but at the moment, it’s the strategy I got (until I read the 10 indie marketing books I bought and find another one).

So, I have decided to try and do a free promotion to get some book reviews.  Of course, a lot of the websites that are willing to promote free books for free also require book reviews, of which I have none.  This is where the spaghetti starts to get flung.  I submitted my books to a handful of free books sites with no idea if any of them will promote it since I didn’t pay for any guaranteed spots since I don’t like the idea of paying to give something away.  And since I won’t know what works or not.  (I’d pay for data though – I’d pay a lot for data.)

Pucker Up – available for free download on December 18-20, 2015.  Get it while it’s hot.